Lazada Otomotif Offer

Nmax Windshield Bolt

  • Diterbitkan : 12 Mar 2024

Nmax Windshield Bolt. Selain desain nya yang stylish serta fungsional untuk menghalau angin dari pengendara, windshield TGP untuk NMAX bakal bikin NMAX kesayangan tampak makin garang. - Windshield NMAX yang kokoh berwarna hitam transparan. - 2 penutup karet.

A windshield that isn't just for looks, but also functions well to push the air away from the rider. With its curved edges and length, TGP Windshield for NMAX is the perfect touch for your NMAX appereance and also functional! - NMAX windshield in Dark Grey. - 2 rubber seals.